From Localisation Register to Xcode

Now that the .strings files for each language are in Xcode, we can start moving our strings from the Localisation Register into them.

This process is simple — very simple. In fact, I don’t know why we have an entire post dedicated to it.

  1. In the Localisation Register, select the entire COLUMN from your EXPORT tab
  2. Copy (Command/Control C).
  3. Navigate to the corresponding .string file in Xcode. e.g. Localizable.strings (English)
  4. Make sure you click inside the file’s Editor screen
  5. Paste (Command/Control V)
  6. Save (Command/Control S)
  7. Repeat steps 1 to 6  for each language

That’s it.

Now, I’m sure there’s a clever person out there who could automate this process somehow. But how can it be easier than copying and pasting?!

Time to head back to Unity for Localising the Unity Project

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